T21 - Tasmanian Visitor Economy Strategy 2015- 2020
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Tasmania's tourism industry consists of around 2,000 separate businesses. It directly and indirectly supports around 36,700* jobs in Tasmania or 15.3 per cent of total Tasmanian employment, and contributes around $2.55 billion to the economy, amounting to 9.9 per cent of the gross state product.
To grow Tasmania's tourism industry, the Tasmanian Government released T21 – The Tasmanian Visitor Economy Strategy 2015-2020. The strategy is an enduring partnership between the public and private sectors to guide the development of Tasmania as a major destination.
Under the strategy, the Tasmanian Government and tourism industry aim to fulfil five major goals for Tasmania's visitor economy by the end of 2020. These include attracting 1.5 million visitors and $2.47 billion in visitor spending annually, delivering more direct and indirect tourism employment in Tasmania, sustaining a high level of regional visitor dispersal and achieving greater visitor satisfaction.
Tourism Tasmania contributes directly to the strategy in working to grow demand for travel to Tasmania through the delivery of domestic and international marketing programs, and to increase air and sea access to the state. Improving access is a priority of the government and described in detail in its Access 2020 plan. The Tasmanian Visitor Economy Strategy recognises there are many reasons why people visit Tasmania and engages the individuals, businesses and organisations involved in attracting them. These include the Department of State Growth, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Business Events Tasmania, the Tasmanian Hospitality Association, the Tasmanian Visitor Information Network, the University of Tasmania and local government.
The strategy also acknowledges that, to achieve its target, Tasmania needs to overcome existing constraints on growth. In addition to more frequent and cheaper access to the island by air and sea carriers, these include the need for new infrastructure and accommodation, and the development of a quality service culture. Full details of the T21 Visitor Economy Strategy, including six-monthly reports on the strategy's progress, are on the T21 website at http://www.t21.net.au.
*Tourism Satellite Accounts 2014-15
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