Statement of Corporate Intent
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Annual Report 2012-13
While this publication looks back over the past twelve months, the Tourism Tasmania Act 1996 states that the Annual Report is to include the Statement of Corporate Intent relating to the Corporate Plan that takes effect at the beginning of the next financial year. As a result, this Statement takes a look forward to our role over the next three years.
Statement of Corporate Intent: July 2013 to June 2016
This Statement of Corporate Intent is a summary of the Tourism Tasmania Corporate Plan June 2013 to July 2016. It recognises the authority's role as a leader in the tourism sector and seeks to align its overarching goals with the organisational priorities for the forthcoming three-year period. The Corporate Plan 2013-2016 recognises the dynamic nature of the global tourism landscape and the important role Tourism Tasmania plays in fostering the sustainable growth of Tasmanian tourism, while developing innovative and informed marketing initiatives that drive visitation to Tasmania.
Our Role
Tourism Tasmania's role is to maximise the contribution of tourism to Tasmania's economic growth.
Our Goals
Tourism Tasmania's four goals are to:
1. Maximise Tasmania's tourism potential
2. Drive demand for Tasmania
3. Enhance industry's competitive position with market-leading research and policy analysis
4. Be a highly effective organisation.
These goals are the result of a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the current environment and future trends in tourism and firmly establishes Tourism Tasmania's vision for the three-year period 2013-2016.
To achieve these four goals we have articulated our priorities for 2013-2016 and the strategic initiatives we will undertake to deliver benefits for the Tasmanian tourism industry. These can be found in full in the Tourism Tasmania Corporate Plan 2013-2016, available online at
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