Visitors to Tasmania

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Tourism Tasmania gathers data on visitation to Tasmania through the Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS), a sample survey of passengers departing from Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie airports as well as the Spirit of Tasmania terminal in Devonport. Tourism Tasmania also compiles data from the National Visitor Survey and the International Visitor Survey, both conducted by Tourism Research Australia. Grow economic and social value Tourism Tasmania contributes to the Tasmanian Government’s T21 Tasmanian Visitor Economy Strategy by aiming to increase the number of leisure visitors to Tasmania.

All visitors
T21 Measure 12 months to June '16 12 months
to June '17
% change
Total visitors* 1,167,900 1,269,600 9
Expenditure (million) $2,054 $2,264 10
Total nights (million) 10.20 10.83 6
Direct jobs 17 200 N/A* N/A*
Indirect jobs 20 200 N/A* N/A*
* Data to be released in 2018
Leisure visitors
Measure 12 months to June '16 12 months
to June '17
% change
Total leisure visitors 862,700 966,200 12
Expenditure (million) $1,668 $1,868 12
Total nights (million) 7.69 8.16 6

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