Highlights for 2014-15
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Annual Report 2014-15
The total value of interstate media advertising and supporting marketing activities for our marketing campaign Go Behind the Scenery – Spring 2014 was $5 million, making it one of the largest seasonal tourism campaigns undertaken by Tourism Tasmania and its partners.
Tourism Tasmania delivered a comprehensive multi-platform campaign leveraging the exposure generated by the visit to Tasmania of Chinese President Xi Jingping. Media coverage of the President's visit by leading Chinese media organisations in China reached over 200 million people. Around 11.68 million people viewed Tourism Tasmania's campaign hashtag on Weibo because of the campaign.
Lonely Planet ranked Tasmania number four in their list of Top Ten Regions in the World to Visit in 2015. In response, Tourism Tasmania implemented dedicated industry, trade and consumer communications strategies to stimulate local industry sentiment and maximise the tourism opportunities and returns generated by the announcement. Tourism Tasmania's social media coverage achieved 2.7 million views during the first week of the announcement.
Tourism Tasmania hosted Invite the World to Dinner, a gala event that saw some of the world's most recognised chefs, food critics and international media-influencers come to Tasmania for a food celebration featuring Tasmania's quality produce. The combined reach of the international influencers through social channels was 106 million, with 7.2 million impressions across Tourism Tasmania's social media channels.
In conjunction with Invite the World to Dinner, Tourism Tasmania delivered 27 pre and post famils that incorporated food and wine experiences from across the state.
In September, Tourism Tasmania led a Sales Mission to Pan Asia, attended by 16 Tasmanian businesses and in March, Tourism Tasmania CEO John Fitzgerald accompanied a trade delegation to China, led by the Premier of Tasmania.
A Win Your Stay competition, held as part of Tourism Tasmania's Autumn 2015 marketing campaign, saw 5,000 new sign ups to the Discover Tasmania newsletter.
Since introducing three Tassie Specialist online training modules, 500 travel agents have successfully completed the training and qualified as Tassie Specialists. This past year saw 308 agents qualify.
Tourism Tasmania introduced a two-day Tassie Specialist Conference exclusively for qualified Tassie Specialists that included participation in pre and post famils managed by Tourism Tasmania. The inaugural event attracted 75 specialist travel agents who engaged with 30 Tasmanian operators.
A Talkabout Tassie Roadshow saw 18 Tasmanian operators present their product to around 260 travel agents in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
Over the year, Tourism Tasmania's social media community across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram substantially increased from 68,669 followers to 305,694 followers, an increase of 345 per cent, demonstrating the growing popularity of Tasmania as a travel destination on social media.
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