Highlights 2013-14
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Annual Report 2013-14
At the end of June total visitation to the state was 1 057 900, a 10 per cent increase on the same period last year.
The total value of interstate media advertising and supporting marketing activities for our marketing campaign Go Behind the Scenery – Spring 2013 was $6.9 million, making it one of the largest seasonal tourism campaigns ever undertaken by Tourism Tasmania and its partners.
Tourism Tasmania Winter seat giveaway promotion saw 2 533 consumers from across Australia win return tickets to either Hobart or Launceston over the traditional winter trough period.
Tourism Tasmania's Discover Tasmania website was redeveloped to ensure it took full advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies and the power of word of mouth to promote the state.
Two Tasmanian episodes of A Taste of OZ aired on UKTV's Good Food Channel to an audience of approximately 699 000. The episode showcased Tasmania seafood, primary producers and food experiences.
Tourism Tasmania's social media community across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram increased from 23 500 members to 68 669 members, an increase of nearly 300 per cent over the year.
Tourism Tasmania secured a cooperative marketing agreement with Qantas Group (QF) that will see the involvement of senior Qantas Group leadership on a range of initiatives including the implementation of government-wide access strategies.
Tasmania's four regional tourism organisations each produced a Destination Management Plan for their region, with research assistance from Tourism Tasmania.
Tourism Tasmania in partnership with TICT undertook a review of Tourism 21, to ensure its goals were realistic and appropriate for prevailing economic conditions.
Tourism Tasmania worked in collaboration with Tourism Australia on the production of a Chinese drama travelogue that will showcase Tasmania's gourmet food and wine offerings in some of Tasmania's exceptional locations and is expected to reach an audience in excess of 39 million people.
Tourism Tasmania, accompanied by select Tasmanian tourism businesses, attended key international trade events including the Australian Tourism Exchange and International Media Marketplace in Cairns, the Australia Marketplace in Los Angeles and the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore Travel Fair.
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