Submission to the Minister

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Dear Minister

Section 41 of the Tourism Tasmania Act 1996 (the Act) requires that the Board must prepare for the Authority (Tourism Tasmania) an annual report for each financial year. The Act states that the annual report is to include the following information and documents:

  • The statement of corporate intent which relates to the corporate plan that takes effect at the beginning of the next financial year
  • The financial statements of the Authority for the financial year to which the annual report relates, including a copy of the opinion of the Auditor-General in respect of the financial statements
  • A report on the operations of the Authority during that financial year.

Section 42 of the Act states that the Minister must lay a copy of the annual report before each House of Parliament within four months after the end of the financial year to which the annual report relates.

Accordingly, I have pleasure in submitting to you for presentation to Parliament, this report on the affairs and activities of Tourism Tasmania for the financial year ended 30 June 2016.

Yours sincerely

James Cretan
Chairman,Tourism Tasmania Board

John Fitzgerald
Chief Executive Officer,Tourism Tasmania
October 2016

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